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The field of content marketing uses extremely tough means in terms of SEO. This is in order to optimize the visibility of any web content. All the players in the field are unaware that to get started, you need to arm yourself with a cutting-edge background in terms of rules and skills. You should know the fundamental rules that govern web writing like the back of your hand.

Web content has its own characteristics. In particular, the latter depend on the targets and the media on which the content is displayed.

Strictly speaking, the objectives, subjects or themes dealt with must meet the needs of the target audience and their profile, but above all their needs. In this sense, quality web content must meet certain fundamental conditions in order to appear among the first results on search engines.

Speaking of basic conditions, there are rules that govern any text or visual intended for websites. Most of them follow SEO principles and form a whole panorama of strategies. The web writing experts know each other in the field.

Although each web editor has their own style, it is difficult for them to override the basic rules that apply to their activity and adapt them according to the search intent of Internet users. The more your content is visited, the higher you will rise in the top search engine results. Thus, the content itself must cover a large number of aspects, both in terms of content and form.

In principle, the basic rules of any content are that it is convincing, engaging, attractive and above all in the form of a solution to their possible problems, satisfies their thirst for information. There are also many parameters that support this thesis in order to encourage users to take actions. Hence, the concrete conversions that mainly motivate the actions carried out by website moderators. With this in mind, this course aims to promote the fundamentals to acquire if you really want to go far in content marketing. The first step is to apply the basic rules of any quality writing for the web.

If you’re interested, by the end of this course, you’ll have mastered the rules of writing specifically to the web.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: The rules must be perfectly understood. This course gives you the opportunity to learn them.
Prérequis du cours: Perfect command of the English language;Experience in the use of the Internet and MS Office tools.
Ce que tu apprendras: Know the 5W principles and apply them;Understand the rules of the inverted pyramid;Follow the rules to produce quality content
Destinataires du cours:
  • Entry-level and experienced freelancers in web copywriting
  • New graduates or beginners who want to enter the web business
  • Web editors looking for permanent optimization of their works
  • Entrepreneur in the field of the web
  • Leaders who want to expand their knowledge
Programme: The 5W Rule of Web Writing
  • Presentation of the section
  • What is the 5W rule?
  • The 5W rule and web writing
  • A must for web editors?
  • Using the inverted pyramid method
A quality web writing
  • How to achieve high-quality writing for the web?
  • What content strategies?
Profil du formateur: This course is the work of several professionals with experience in the field of SEO and web writing.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 70
Skill Level: Beginner