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For the past decade, job offers in the field of call centres have flooded the web and the mass media. Call centre jobs are now considered professions of the future. There are several. In this course, we’re going to focus mostly on telesales.

Whether you’re already in the field, planning to make it your career, still a student, or just came to this page out of curiosity, this course is for you. We give you the best basics you absolutely need to know about telesales.

Making or answering a call seems natural. You’ve probably gone through some, but succeeding in a sale or prospecting like a pro makes all the difference. As a brand ambassador, telesales agents need to demonstrate professionalism, responsiveness, and emotional intelligence. Indeed,your interlocutor will often not expect your call. Many fresh telesales agents make the mistake of skipping the fundamentals and missing many important points.

And even the owners of a shop of any size will be able to have their employees undergo this training – a widely used practice of large companies. For the average employee, it’s an opportunity to get promoted.

In this course, we will successively look at the fundamentals of telephone marketing and telephone prospecting. The prospecting sheet, the sales pitch and the telephone script will no longer be a mystery to you.

Although in principle, you should master this course in 2 hours and 15 minutes, you won’t have to put pressure on yourself to finish it in record time. Just give yourself some of your time on a regular basis. To see if you’ve retained everything, you’ll have to pass the quiz at the end of this course.

To further complete your knowledge, we invite you to have a look at our large training catalogue dedicated to call centre jobs. By taking one of our certification courses, you will obtain a certification that you can share with your acquaintances, employees and potential employers. You will also have a chance to join one of our partner companies.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Master the fundamentals of telesales to better succeed in your sales and prospecting
Prérequis du cours: Good understanding of the English language;Proficiency in the use of basic computer tools;Have any interest in customer relations
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the usefulness and challenges of telephone marketing;Assimilate the usefulness of the different tools used in telephone prospecting;Know how to write a sales pitch
Destinataires du cours:
  • Call centre employees who want to get a good foundation
  • Jobseekers aspiring to join call centres
  • Employees looking for a career change
  • Students in any specialization who want to understand how telesales works and apply them later
  • Entrepreneurs looking to invest in call centres
  • Business leaders looking to boost sales
  • Business leaders who want to build the capacity of their employees
  • Freelancers looking for a career in telesales
  • Telephone marketing
    • Why is it useful?
    • For what issues and contexts?
  • Telephone canvassing
    • What is a prospecting file?
    • The prospecting guide or the telephone script
    • The phone sales pitch
    • How do you design a good phone sales pitch?
Profil du formateur: This course has been developed with the active participation of several practising telesales professionals.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 90
Skill Level: Beginner