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One of the important criteria of every website is to have an appropriate and well-defined domain name.

But first, what is a domain name? In a way, it is the primary identity of a website.

However, can the choice of this domain name really have an impact on SEO? Different hypotheses exist around this subject.

This is because the algorithms used by search engines are based on many criteria, such as click-through rate.

In the past, the principle on which many professionals based themselves was the complementarity of keywords and the domain name.

Thus, if the domain nameincluded a relevant keyword, it would have a positive influence on the website’s SEO and on the click-through rate.

Also, it would allow Internet users to easily make the direct link between the search terms and the website.

Choosing your domain name is an important step in the success of your website. More specifically, it has a positive impact on the visibility of your content. Hence, the need to analyse it seriously.

There are a few ways to do this. For example, you can choose your company name, relevant keywords or other word combinations.

In any case, choosing your company’s brand as your domain nameis a good strategy. In particular, it will help you to opt for good communication.

Since Google’s algorithm has been updated, this search engine checks the relevance of content and pages.

In addition, it only rewards websites with quality content that offers real added value to web readers.

Thus, websites with domain names consisting exclusively of keywords are penalized by Google. They are among the lowest quality in terms of content, as it only highlights advertisements.

Thus, know that if you want a better SEO of your website from your domain name, get to work. It is much more important to choose it according to the Internet users, and not according to SEO criteria.

We will, in this course, tell you a little more about the domain name.

Each page of this training will give you tips so that you can learn how to improve the loading time of your pages.

At the end of this course, you will know how to optimize your domain name, your host, and your web pages.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Become an SEO expert and invest on domain-related elements.
Prérequis du cours: Familiarity with the web environment and IT tools
Ce que tu apprendras: The principle of domain-related SEO;The various technical optimizations: the name, the extension, etc.;Improved loading time.
Destinataires du cours:
  • Entry-level and experienced SEO specialists and website builders
  • New graduates or beginners who aspire to be an SEO professional
  • Entrepreneur in the field of the web
  • Executives who want to expand their knowledge
  • Age of the domain
  • Presence of keywords in the domain name
  • Domain history
  • Exact Match Domain
  • Possible extensions
  • Uptime
  • Server Location
  • Loading time
  • Here are 9 tips to improve the loading time of your website
Profil du formateur: This training is the result of the confrontation of knowledge from several SEO experts. They combine reference theories and know-how.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Version: 01-13/12/2023-1902
Course Duration: 190
Skill Level: Beginner