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Have you ever called a sales or customer service rep and got a grumpy, unenthusiastic voice response? Or would you like to work in this sector? It could be that your phone call is an annoyance, and customers can’t wait to hang up. In general, some actions can be turned into an opportunity. Speaking of this opportunity, there are techniques that can be used to turn them into an advantage.

In fact, when it comes to phone calls, once you get strangers or clients, you can look at each call as an opportunity to get a lot of interest in the sale. This is where marketing comes in to help convince prospects.

In addition, your advertising and marketing efforts are likely to generate inbound calls for your business. In fact, if your campaigns go well, you’ll end up receiving a large number of them. Inbound calls provide an exceptional opportunity to set up appointments with new and existing clients.

While every caller offers a warm sales opportunity, not all dealerships are set up to achieve a high success rate between calls and appointments. Implement these call management tactics to increase the number of appointments and improve the bottom line.

So, we recommend that you take this course and read it carefully and thoroughly so that you know how to get the most out of every inbound call. We have effective methods to implement for all those who want to apply them and for all those who aspire to enter the field in question.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Get the most out of your phone caller by adopting the best strategy during the call!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language;Basic knowledge of sales and marketing
Ce que tu apprendras: Know the main problems encountered in call centres;Distinguish between the different types of incoming calls;Convince each customer in order to benefit from it
Destinataires du cours:
  • Beginners who want to develop their skills in telesales
  • Telesales professionals looking to succeed in their industry
  • Business owner or entrepreneur aspiring to develop their collaborations
Programme: Use the right technique to handle inbound calls
  • Some experts’ views on handling inbound calls
  • Benefit from every important call with a good reflex
  • The secrets of success in telephone sales
  • The first ten words are crucial
  • Coaching & Remuneration
  • Difficult economic conditions
Recurring issues in call centres
  • A lack of structure around the brand
  • Difficulties in handling customer requests
  • Management of conflicting calls
  • The loss of motivation of call centre agents
  • Sales technique to manage problems in the middle of a call
Inbound call template
  • Receiving calls
  • Format of a reception
  • The desired service format
  • In case of confirmation
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of a collaboration between several trainers specialized in customer relations.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 200
Skill Level: Beginner