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For a telesales agent, what could be more enjoyable than closing a sale. But the relationship with this customer won’t stop there.

Of course, you should always look for new leads, but it’s also important to retain existing customers. In this sense, it is necessary to offer them other complementary products or a product that is superior to the initial product. This is the fundamental principle of add-on selling.

At its core, add-on selling has several meanings. They are specific according to the sales situation.

We can list a number of terms referring to the same concept. Notably, add-on selling comes in different forms.

These include cross-selling, complementary selling, supplementary selling, or cross-selling and its derivatives.

These forms differ from one point to the point, simply depending on the case and the situation. They highlight opportunities to make additional sales.

Indeed, these concepts serve the situational business intelligence of a given structure.

In a way, they are part of a company’s sales techniques with the aim of developing and stimulating customer purchases.

Thus, the commercial effectiveness of a telesales agent is measured by the success of at least one of these concepts.

In this case, it is a question of canvassing more in order to inflate and boost turnover. Especially since there’s nothing wrong with selling more and at the same time helping customers.

The principle of add-on selling includes taking into account the needs of customers. Indeed, the tactics that frame the effectiveness of the additional sale start from the first purchase made.

This being the case, the telesales agent will embark on a needs analysis based on the product sold. They adopt the customer’s point of view and make an inventory of their related needs to facilitate the use of the initial product sold, purchased by the customer.

To be successful, we would need to acquire a certain number of qualities. At the same time, empathy and listening skills are great assets. Don’t forget to perfectly master the various reminders in the form of a question.

With this know-how at hand, as a telesales agent, you’ll have no problem expanding the reach of your sales.

So, by means of this course, we have selected the best of the best in terms of content. It is a question of mastering the mechanism of add-on selling.

By the end of this course, you will know how to carry out an add-on selling and adapt to any situation.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Opt for a sales strategy that guarantees profits.
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language, both spoken and written;Proficiency in Microsoft Office tools;Assimilation of previous courses, including Understand sales prospecting
Ce que tu apprendras: Sell to an existing customer—the advantages;Potential problems;The sales meeting
Destinataires du cours:
  • Entry-level and seasoned telesales freelancer
  • New graduates or beginners who want to enter the telesales profession
  • Virtual assistant looking to optimize their performance
  • Entrepreneur in the field of the web
  • Executives who want to expand their knowledge
  • Selling to an existing customer—the advantages
  • Selling more to an existing customer
  • Potential Problems
  • Potential issues: The customer was not satisfied with their previous purchase
  • Potential issues: Your product or service is old, outdated
  • Potential issues: Competition Is Felt
  • Potential issues: Your customer has internal problems
  • The sales meeting
Profil du formateur: A team of expert trainers in Marketing will guide you throughout the training.
Description du cours: Illustrations as well as explanatory and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Version: 01-13/12/2023-1821
Course Duration: 80
Skill Level: Beginner