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Web writers are usually responsible for the content and images used on a website. They plan, research, write, copy, and edit the content of a website.

Basically, the goal of this job is to produce high-quality web content that attracts an audience, so through this course, you will learn the roles of a web copywriter. You’ll be able to write content for websites.

Depending on the website owner or consultant you work for, this can be in the form of blog posts, e-books, reports, manifestos, white papers, email newsletters, sales copy, product descriptions, and more.

In fact, every time you see words online, you see an opportunity to work as a paid web content writer. Web content writing doesn’t always follow traditional grammar rules.

It is much more important that web content is appealing to website visitors than it is that it is grammatically correct. They are expected to develop verbal and written communication skills, grammar, and web publishing.

Obviously, to be successful in web content writing, you need to be able to write well. However, there are many other elements that go into successful web writing.

We invite you to check out this course to make sure it’s the right place for you and can boost your skills.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Take your first steps in learning how to write for the web.
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency and perfect understanding of English.; Very good web culture.; Good typing skills.
Ce que tu apprendras: The definition of web copywriting; The expectations of the web copywriting profession; The benefits of good web copywriting
Destinataires du cours:
  • Any copywriter who is already in the profession, but wants to deepen and optimize the scope of their work.
  • Any person, whether in a professional or student capacity.
  • Any professional who wants to retrain professionally.
  • Understand web copywriting
  • The job of web copywriters
  • Why take our web copywriting courses?

Profil du formateur: A team of trainers who are experts in web writing and SEO developed this training by confronting diversified resources in the field of web writing.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos; Documentation and useful links; FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 40
Skill Level: Beginner