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To manage a project, it is necessary to carry out careful scoping. In fact, scoping is a crucial step in the project management process. In this sense, it essentially consists of drawing up an overview of the pillars of the project's implementation.

In particular, this stage involves identifying the needs related to the project to be framed. An in-depth analysis should then be made of the resources available and the objectives set beforehand. These objectives must be in line with the strategy to be adopted and followed in the implementation of the project.

Therefore, the objectives to be defined during the framing of the project must meet well-defined criteria in terms of relevance. As a result, they must be both measurable and realistic in order to achieve tangible results.

Then, in order to predict the smooth running of the project, it is essential to measure and anticipate the scope of the specifications of the actions to be carried out in relation to the nature of the project. Otherwise, the implementation of such organizational actions requires a perfect mastery of project management.

To complete the scoping, the definition of the execution time remains a very important phase in order to visualize and measure the impact.

The definition of the framework helps to anticipate the risks and constraints of each action to be taken. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry out large, forward-looking strategies and to specify needs according to priorities and objectives.

With this in mind, this course will help you master the functional scope of a project. Its content will help you identify the essential resources to achieve the expected goal.

Finally, this course will teach you what a project framework is. Of course, you will discover all the essential steps to follow in order to implement an effective and well-thought-out project scoping process.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Be or become a professional project manager with this course!
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management basics;Minimum project management experience
Ce que tu apprendras: Learn about project management;Apply the steps involved in running a project;Understand some concepts of framing;Master the framing process
Destinataires du cours:
  • Project management beginners or professionals
  • Managers and executives who want to master the different phases of a project
  • Students who want to learn the basics of project management as part of their studies and future ambitions
  • Employees who will sooner or later have to manage or participate in a project
  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Discover project management
  • Apply the steps involved in running a project
  • Scoping the project
  • What is the scope of the project?
  • Step 01: Set an objective
  • Step 02: Develop a business case
  • Step 03: Stakeholder management
  • Step 04: Identify the project manager
  • Step 05: Assemble the project team
  • Step 06: Write a Statement of Work
  • Project Scoping Meeting: Case Study
  • An expert's perspective
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 110
Skill Level: Beginner