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Running a meeting remains a key task and one of the main parameters of the manager's role. If you are a manager, it is not enough to attend meetings and remain a simple assistant. On the contrary, you are the author and the main person concerned, from the conduct to the report.

In this sense, it is your responsibility to ensure the success of every meeting you plan. And that's not all, because to do this you will need to mobilize a whole strategy of organization and animation.

In fact, organizing a meeting is not just a matter of filling the room with participants and getting everyone to come. You will be called upon to consider all the organizational parameters that frame the organization of a meeting.

You will then have to consider the mechanism of each of these parameters, whether technical or administrative.

The implementation of the strategy for organizing a meeting will demonstrate your sense of leadership and management to your employees and partners.

Secondly, it should be noted that meeting facilitation techniques are not easy to implement, but with a lot of application you will succeed.

No doubt you already have a lot of know-how to make your meeting livelier and more interactive. However, with the content of this training you will be able to discover even more.

What could be more successful than a well-organized and lively meeting where the presenters interact warmly with the participants?

This is what this training promises to make any type of meeting you are planning fruitful and free from meetingitis.

In short, you have long been asking yourself the following questions: What are the different types of meetings? What tools and methods can be used to animate them effectively? What are the different phases of a meeting? This course will give you the answers.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Overcome energy- and time-consuming attitudes and learn best practices for meeting behaviour with this course.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management Basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the benefits of meetings in an organization;Anticipate the pitfalls to avoid in meetings;Automate the organization of effective meetings;Ensure effective meeting facilitation
Destinataires du cours:
  • Young managers or supervisors just starting out in meeting facilitation
  • Experienced managers or supervisors who want to review their practices
  • Executives and project managers who want to make their meetings more dynamic and efficient
  • Employees who will sooner or later be called upon to facilitate a meeting
  • Association leaders who want to give their meetings more oomph
  • Why Meetings?
    • Why meetings?
    • What pitfalls to avoid?
    • What types of meetings?
    • An expert's perspective
  • How to organize meetings effectively?
    • What to prepare The TOP for a top meeting
    • Determining the type of animation
    • Using animation methods and/or shared creativity
    • Selecting and inviting participants
    • Prepare documents and logistics
    • Organize a meeting with the BOROMIR method
  • How to facilitate meetings effectively?
    • Conduct and follow up the meeting
    • What are the qualities of a meeting facilitator?
    • How to facilitate a meeting effectively?
    • Things to think about
    • An expert's perspective
Profil du formateur:
This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 160
Skill Level: Beginner