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A manager's main concern remains the alignment of his objectives with the collective principles of a collaborative team. The notion of the team remains an essential pillar of management. Of course, being a manager in itself means taking on the functions of a supervisor and therefore presupposes the existence of a team.

However, the concept of the team remains a whole, the mechanism of which is controlled by several skills. In this sense, managing the activity of a team means first of all mastering the cogs that make up the team itself. In addition, it is the manager's responsibility to coordinate his team according to a number of parameters. This responsibility includes the tasks of organizing and monitoring the work of each member of the team.

In this training, we invite you to understand the mechanisms and challenges of the team concept. You will also be asked to put yourself in the position of a manager.

In doing so, you will have to assign yourself the roles that fall within the scope of this function in relation to team management. Above all, you will see yourself as the guarantor of their performance. Managing a team will also involve you in animation activities. To do this, you will need to learn the basics and best practices of facilitation techniques to maintain a collaborative atmosphere within your team.

Do you have difficulties managing your team? Do your people take little initiative or seem to be very autonomous? Is one member imposing on the others? Do team members not work efficiently? You are sure to come across many such cases during the course.

This course will help you take the necessary steps to adapt the way you manage your team.

It is divided into five distinct sections, the first of which will introduce you to some basic concepts of team management, the second of which will show you "how to manage a team". The following sections are dedicated to demonstrating the why and how of the subject. Towards the end, a test will complete everything to assess your understanding.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Put on your helmet and become a great driver according to the qualities of your team with what this training offers you.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Acquire ideas about "team".;Lead the management of a team;Identify basic planning questions;Set engaging goals
Destinataires du cours:
  • Managers who want to develop effective strategies and achieve their goals;
  • Students with ambitions to lead a successful team in the future;
  • Employees who aspire to become future leaders
  • Business leaders who want to build the capacity of their managers
  • Some basics about the team
    • What is a team?
    • 08 Team performance factors
    • 5 team dysfunctions
    • An expert's perspective
  • How do you manage a team?
    • Why manage team activities and performance?
    • How to ensure control?
  • Why and how to plan?
    • Definition and benefits of planning
    • Basic questions for coherent planning
    • Question: What do we want to do?
    • Question: What can we do?
    • Question: What do we need to achieve?
    • Question: What can we do?
    • Planning process
  • How do you set engaging goals?
    • Types of goals
    • Techniques for setting SMART goals
    • Strategy for setting a SMART goal for an employee?
    • Inventory of resources needed to achieve the goal
  • How to organize teams
    • Useful definitions
    • Organizational principles
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 190
Skill Level: Beginner