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Defining a project's trajectory means defining the phases it must pass through in order to be successful. In this sense, its realization has to pass through different stages, from framing to completion. Obviously, it goes through the design phase.

In fact, the design phase is a step to further clarify the objectives to be achieved, the approaches to be adopted and the resources to be used.

The actions carried out at this stage highlight the feasibility of the project. This means implementing a well-defined management plan and solid communication strategies for all stakeholders. This is in order to maintain the same vision and objective of the tasks to be carried out.

In particular, the importance of the organization in this phase refers to foresight and risk management, as well as the management of all the branches involved in the project.

It is also in this organizational perspective that the timetable is established, including the coordination of tasks, the distribution of the allocated budget and the development of deliverables. All this must be defined within a time frame that respects the objectives set.

So, to qualify for the position of project manager, these tasks and responsibilities require your careful attention. Coordinating them also requires a solid management plan to deal with any unforeseen events.

And it is in this spirit that this course exists. As far as project planning is concerned, it will provide you with the essential skills to start and manage a project well.

You will discover advanced planning tools to predict the completion of all tasks. The content of this course will outline the approaches needed to maintain your relationships with project stakeholders, including the implementation of an effective communication plan.

We will also look at managing the risks that may arise during the implementation period.

Finally, this course will show you how to set up the steering committee for your project.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Design and structure your project in the most unwavering way possible.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management basics;Minimum project management experience
Ce que tu apprendras: Composition of the design phase;Planning;Stakeholder Management;Risk Management
Destinataires du cours:
  • Project management beginners or professionals
  • Managers and executives who want to master the different phases of a project
  • Students who want to learn the basics of project management as part of their studies and future ambitions 
  • Employees who will sooner or later have to manage or participate in a project
  • Project Introduction 
    • What does the project design phase involve? 
    • An expert's perspective 
  • Step 01: Project planning 
    • Planning the project 
    • Project breakdown using the Work Breakdown Structure 
    • Gantt chart for organizing and scheduling tasks 
    • Creating a Gantt Chart 
  • Step 02: Stakeholder Management 
    • Managing information between stakeholders 
    • Develop a communication plan 
    • Develop a communication plan: Types of information
    • Developing a communication plan: Preparing the communication plan
  • Step 03: Risk management 
    • Risk Management 
    • Hazard identification 
    • Hazard prioritization 
    • Hazard prevention plan 
    • Risk Monitoring 
  • Step 04: Form a steering committee 
    • Composition of the steering committee 
    • Tasks of the steering committee 
    • When to convene the steering committee
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 180
Skill Level: Beginner