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The term balance sheet, as defined in the dictionary, refers to an end state that contrasts the successful and unsuccessful aspects of a process. In the context of project management, the final step that completes the realization of a project takes the form of a balance sheet. Obviously, many experts support the idea that carrying out an evaluation in project management depends on the success of the project itself.

However, it must be emphasized that the assessment must take place once the deliverables and all the data relating to the project have been completed, collected and finalized. The evaluation then consists of assessing the scope of the pre-established action plan from a technical, managerial and methodological point of view. Following these axes, the evaluation focuses on highlighting the objectives that have been achieved and those that have not been achieved. The next step is to identify the factors that may not have been achieved and to draw conclusions from the factors that may not have been achieved. These conclusions will serve as benchmarks for future action, as the completion of one project may herald the start of another. It is also essential, in this evaluation perspective, to materialize the exchanges on the implementation of the project. Hence the need to use deliverables. In particular, the deliverables concretize the expectations of the stakeholders with regard to the project that has just been completed. They play a key role in the evaluation at the end of the project, as they provide long-term evidence of the effectiveness of the actions taken and the results achieved at the end of the project. They are of several types: communication, financial and technical.

In short, all this means that the development of a balance sheet can make it possible to carry out an evaluation of a project to carry it out effectively and optimize the success of the next one.

In this course you will learn the basics of project evaluation. You will navigate through the different stages of the evaluation process and adopt the appropriate attitudes to conduct a relevant analysis of the results presented.

We will also help you measure the impact of your project by guiding you through the implementation of state-of-the-art evaluation techniques.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Succeed in your project evaluation by adopting the best strategies.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management basics;Minimum project management experience
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the usefulness of the balance sheet;Learn the basics of valuation;Master the evaluation process;Analyze the impact assessment
Destinataires du cours:
  • Project management beginners or professionals
  • Managers and executives who want to master the different phases of a project
  • Students who want to learn the basics of project management as part of their studies and future ambitions
  • Employees who will sooner or later have to manage or participate in a project
  • Foreword 
    • Why take stock after the project? 
    • An expert's perspective 
  • The basics of evaluation 
    • The basics of evaluation 
    • Remember! 
  • The evaluation process 
    • Step 1: Identify what needs to be evaluated 
    • Step 2: Involve stakeholders 
    • Step 3: Assess resources and evaluation capacity
    • Step 4: Select the questions for your evaluation 
    • Step 5: Determine appropriate measurement methods and procedures Step 6: Develop an evaluation plan 
    • Step 7: Collect data 
    • Step 8: Process the data and analyze the results 
    • Step 9: Interpret and disseminate the results 
    • Step 10: Apply the results of the evaluation 
  • Measuring the impact of a project and evaluating an evaluation 
    • How to measure the impact of a project? 
    • Practical tips for monitoring and evaluating an evaluation
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 160
Skill Level: Beginner