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Did you know that we can reduce the collective performance of a team to the formula: E=MC², or Collective Effectiveness = Motivation x Skills x Shared Cultures? The motivation of team members is therefore an important part of this equation. You can have very competent people. But if they don't want to use their skills and experience, you won't get the results you want. You may even end up with an awkward situation or resignations. Often the role of the manager is subject to various twists and turns generated by the tasks required by the position. As a result, some managers become distracted from their primary task: ensuring the professional well-being of their team. After all, who says manager says decision-making, authority, respect, results, etc.? These points lead us to consider the very essence of the manager's role.

For this reason, it will be essential for you to identify the factors of demotivation and motivation of your employees, so that you can remedy them and/or to encourage them, in order to anticipate possible cases of conflict that could lead to delicate and difficult situations to resolve. As a manager, the responsibilities of your job require you to adopt different attitudes. These lead you to take actions and decisions, all in order to promote the proper functioning of your team and its collective efficiency. In this sense, there are many ways to ensure the motivation of your team. Your imagination will be a great help in this task.

By the way, on your initiatives, your team could be motivated by a short briefing over a coffee, for example, or a small group discussion after a hard day as sharing/feedback.

Remember that the small gestures you make to each member are already a motivational lever. You can create rituals or extra-professional activities to optimize collective cohesion.

These are not easy tasks to take on, but you must start with determination and the will to motivate your team. In order to ensure the quality of results and the achievement of objectives, you must strive to stay the course and progress in your role as a manager.

This training will help you to take on your responsibilities.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Learn how to motivate your team flexibly and efficiently!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language;Management Basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Identifying and correcting signs of demotivation in employees;Recognizing and encouraging signs of motivation in employees;Asking relevant questions in a listening interview;Perform managerial duties to keep a team motivated;Take on the role of a manager to motivate a team
Destinataires du cours:
  • Managers and business leaders who want to improve their management and leadership skills
  • Students who often need to work in teams on projects 
  • Employees who will sooner or later have to lead or participate in a project 
  • Association managers who want to energize their teams
  • Strategies for identifying signs of employee demotivation 
  • Strategies for a relevant and constructive discussion 
  • Approaches to identifying a team's sources of motivation 
  • Tips and tricks for motivating a team 
  • Putting the manager's roles and responsibilities at the service of the team
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 70
Skill Level: Beginner