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We are currently living in an era of technological development, and the use of the internet is one of them. As result, talking about the internet, there are people who still don’t know how to use social networks by turning them into profits. LinkedIn is one of the online networks that are known for the professional field.

This is because LinkedIn was originally created as an online CV for anyone looking for a job and a new professional collaboration. With the development of technology and the evolution of today’s working world, some features have been added to improve the website and attract more users.

Today, the features of the LinkedIn platform perfectly work for people who are in the freelance industry. Just like the benefits and privileges that one can get from the platform, they should also be aware of its limitations.

We will reveal to you throughout this course, in addition to knowing what this platform is about, why it is one of the most indispensable social networks in the professional world. LinkedIn is also one of the major pillars that are developing several companies at the moment, especially companies that specialize in Business to Business.

Thus, for more details, we invite you to read the content of this course carefully and in depth so that you can understand how it works and its usefulness as well as its limitations. In short, this course will help you to develop both professionally and personally.

Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Start finding lots of professional opportunities using LinkedIn!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in English; Good internet literacy
Ce que tu apprendras: Leverage LinkedIn features; Establish your skills on LinkedIn; Know the benefits of LinkedIn
Destinataires du cours:
  • People curious about the benefits of the LinkedIn platform.
  • Professional or beginner aspiring to develop their skills in the world of freelancing.
  • Business owner or entrepreneur aspiring to develop their collaborations.
  • About the LinkedIn platform
    • The 3 best ways to use LinkedIn in 2023 according to Scott Aaron
    • Aims of different LinkedIn users
    • LinkedIn features
  • Use of LinkedIn
    • Build your skills and expand your networks on LinkedIn
    • Find a job that matches your talent and skills
    • Use LinkedIn for your business
    • Prospecting
  • The Benefits of Using LinkedIn
    • Company Image
    • Expand your network
    • Stay informed about your industry
    • Visibility
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed by a team of professionals specialized in e-reputation and the exploitation of social networks.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 140
Skill Level: Beginner