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Commonly defined as the process of converting a simple visitor into a subscriber, membership is becoming increasingly important on the Web. In fact, the term membership has more than one meaning. In addition to the first definition above, it can also be approached from a purely marketing perspective. In this sense, it encompasses an entire sales strategy that translates into a business model.

However, the fundamentals remain the same. Firstly, it consists of inviting a third party to become a member of a community or group. Membership means, among other things, that each member shares the same interests, the same aspirations and, why not, the same needs.

In a broader terminology, members may also be referred to as adherents or membership, depending on the context. But what purpose could membership serve, by adopting the manager's focus?

Firstly, by removing any marketing vision, having members grouped around a concept means that what you do as a manager generates interest. Secondly, providing a community space for its members encourages exchange and thus mutual enrichment. The latter encourages a more dynamic form of mutual aid and the creation of collaborations between members.

Collaboration often leads to the exchange of tips and best practices. In most cases, this benefits the team leader's management practices. This is the strength of a community: the fact that we are all pulling in the same direction.

Now, as a manager, you need to ask yourself questions about the strategies that need to be implemented to carry out the actions that unite the members.

Applied to the concept of the team and its mechanism, managing membership means planning the techniques to be used for its implementation, from its creation to its management.

In fact, this training will first define the importance of membership for team development. Then, each page will highlight the challenges of membership: how can it be developed and nurtured within a team? With this in mind, it will introduce you to seven proven techniques that you can apply in your role as a manager. At the end, a quiz will allow you to test your understanding of the points covered in this course.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Become both a physical and moral member of your team with this course.
Prérequis du cours: Good knowledge of English;Management Basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Discover the definition of membership;Manage the development of membership;Take ownership of the steps involved in membership development;Distribute tasks fairly
Destinataires du cours:
  • Association leaders who want to develop and retain members in their organizations
  • Founders of non-profit start-ups
  • Coworking associations
  • Members of any organization who want to improve the functioning of the organization
  • What is membership?
  • How do you develop membership in your team?
    • How to develop membership in a team?
      • There must be a common goal
      • There must be a mutual understanding of individuals
      • There needs to be interaction between team members Minimal socialization is required
      • There must be a fair division of labour
        • Define Positions and Relationships
        • Analyze tasks
        • Distribute tasks
        • Allocation Criteria
    • How to adopt a participative style?
    • How can we strengthen the sense of belonging?
    • An Expert's Perspective
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 140
Skill Level: Beginner