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According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Taking good care of your body is therefore a basic need. Even if we have all the gold in the world and are in precarious health, we cannot say that we are living in happiness.

Without good health, we cannot achieve our ambitions and satisfy our needs. Well-being remains an issue of great concern.

This training aims to provide you with an essential guide to balance your lifestyle to feel good in your body.

One of the sources of well-being that should not be neglected is sleep. In addition to a lack of energy, a sleep-deprived person has a higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and much more.

How long can you go without water? No more than three days. If you are not well hydrated, you will feel thirsty, have headaches, feel tired, etc. Note that water can’t be drunk in any old way. There are habits to be acquired in its consumption. You'll learn more about this in a separate section.

After water, food is essential, but not just any food. Some choose to call on a nutritionist to answer this question.

In this course we will reveal the secret of a fit and healthy body with the advice of the greatest experts. A balanced diet is highly recommended.

Finally, we will talk about the importance of breathing for our well-being. Mastering it is a guarantee of good emotional and mental balance.

We will look at 5 breathing techniques. All sections are illustrated with images and videos to make your learning as immersive as possible.

Don't hesitate to use them every day. Without realizing it, it will become a habit.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Discover and apply these 4 tips to be in harmony with your body.
Prérequis du cours: Good understanding of French.
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the benefits of a quality lifestyle;Understand the importance of sleep, proper hydration and a balanced diet;Learn to adopt and live a quality lifestyle;Know tips on how to feel good
Destinataires du cours:
  • People with sleep problems
  • People of all ages who want to be in total harmony with their bodies
  • People with health or weight problems who want to learn how to eat a balanced diet
  • Health-conscious people who want to be able to control and, if necessary, restore their acid-base balance.
  • Feeling good in your body means sleeping well
    • Sleep, a source of wellbeing
    • Clear your mind when you're stressed
    • Gain serenity at bedtime
  • Feeling good about your body means staying hydrated
    • Why drink water?
    • How much water should I drink each day?
    • When to drink water?
  • Feeling good about your body means having a balanced diet
    • Acid-base balance, the secret to a fit and healthy body
    • Comparison table of alkaline and acidic foods
    • Acid-base balance: what keeps us fit
  • Feeling good in your body means controlling your breath
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed by experienced managers with advanced psychological skills.
Description du cours:
Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Version: 01-14/12/2023-1052
Course Duration: 110
Skill Level: Beginner