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Virtual communication has changed the speed of information transfer enormously. Nowadays, it only takes a few seconds for a social media post to be shared and eventually reach hundreds, thousands or even millions of people. It is a very fast and efficient way to publish a job offer and to have a sufficient choice of candidates.

On the candidate side, the competition is fierce. The recruiter can be overwhelmed with hundreds of CVs for a single role. As a result, it is clear that they cannot read in extenso all the CVs they receive. If you want to stay in the running, your CV must make you stand out from the crowd, as it is one of the two documents a recruiter will see first.

This course focuses on writing a CV in English that raises your profile and is of interest to the recruiter. By successfully completing this course, you will be able to create a CV that will help you get an interview.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Stand out from the crowd with your CV.
Prérequis du cours: Understand written English.
Ce que tu apprendras: Know the type of CV that suits your profile.;Know the essential and optional parts of a CV: What to include and what to avoid.;Promote your experience and skills.;Create a CV with an attractive design.
Destinataires du cours:
  • Young graduates looking for jobs in call centers and customer service.
  • People looking for new jobs in tourism, catering and hospitality such as receptionists, waiters, managers, executives, guides, etc.
  • Applicants for jobs in translation and interpreting or in English language teaching and training.
  • Professionals applying for high-level positions such as Stream Manager, Head of Department, Deputy Director, National Director, General Manager, etc.
  • Anyone planning to work in an international organization.
  • What is a CV?
  • What type of CV should you use for your application?
  • What should you include in your CV?
  • Header & Summary
  • Skills & Abilities
  • Work Experience
  • Education and training
  • Interests, references, training, certifications, honours and awards
  • An example of a good CV.
  • The design that catches the recruiter's eye.
  • Our top tips for a great CV.
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed and developed by a team of experts in English language and personal development.
Description du cours: Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 120
Skill Level: Beginner