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Have you ever contacted a company and had a very welcoming person on the phone? Or rather a bad experience?

These people work in what is called a call center, a booming sector known for being accessible to students and graduates.

It can be done remotely, in the office, full-time or part-time, and is attracting more and more people. Despite the stereotypes, many have thrived in it.

Far too often, people think it's just about making or receiving calls. That's normal, given the name.

But there's more to it than that. It's not just about selling. There is also customer service, prospecting, telephone surveys, telemarketing and telesales.

Technically, therefore, every company should have a call center. It is important to professionalize your telephone reception.

But you don't need a large number of teleoperators. It's just important to understand the principle.

In this online course, you will learn about the two main activities of a call center: making and receiving calls.

To give you an idea, call making is all the calls that the company makes to communicate with customers or prospects. As for receiving calls, these are calls made by customers. We'll look at the reasons why customers contact a company.

To complete your learning, don't hesitate to take a look at the Call Centre course among our online training courses.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Get to know the basics of a call center so you can better apply yourself to it.
Prérequis du cours: Good understanding of English.
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand how the call center works;Find out more about call center related activities;Know how to take advantage of opportunities
Destinataires du cours:
  • Anyone who wants to understand how the call center works
  • Graduates and other job seekers looking for new opportunities and job availability
  • Entrepreneurs who want to expand their business
  • Young graduates and professionals interested in customer service or telesales
  • Call center agents, supervisors and support staff who want to develop their skills
  • What is a call center?
  • It is first and foremost a platform
  • The activities of a call center
  • Outgoing call
  • The prospect file
  • Incoming call
Profil du formateur: A team of trainers who are experts in all call center related professions is at the origin of this training.
Description du cours: Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 80
Skill Level: Beginner