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In today's world, it is impossible to do without the ever-changing digital age. In this regard, social media is playing a key role in driving significant growth across the board, especially in marketing, where social media is playing an increasingly important role.

Among these emerging platforms, TikTok stands out for its popularity and potential to expand the audience of its users. In this context, this training has been designed to help you understand the challenges of using this platform to start digital marketing.

By the end of this training, you will have learned the basics of TikTok as a marketing platform, its predominantly young target audience and its opportunities. You'll then learn how to create effective content on TikTok, using short videos, special effects and music to engage your audience. Finally, you'll learn how to measure the performance of your advertising campaigns by analyzing TikTok statistics and adjusting your marketing strategy to maximize impact.

Once you've learned everything there is to know about TikTok, you'll be confident that you have the best practices for growing your own business on the TikTok platform. You'll be able to promote your image with a personalized action plan that takes full advantage of TikTok's features.

This course will give you the tools and knowledge to start using digital marketing with TikTok to ensure the success of your own business. We invite you to explore each section of this course to help you grow both professionally and personally.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Get your marketing off to the perfect start with TikTok!
Prérequis du cours: Knowledge of the English language
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand TikTok's potential as a marketing platform;Learn how to create effective content adapted to the TikTok format;Master the methods for measuring performance and adjusting advertising strategy on TikTok
Destinataires du cours:
  • Beginners interested in new trends in digital marketing
  • Marketing students interested in exploring TikTok as a promotional tool
  • Social media professionals who want to master TikTok for their clients
  • Business leaders who want to increase their brand presence on TikTok
  • TikTok as a marketing platform
  • Creating effective content on TikTok
  • Measuring performance and adjusting strategy
  • Summary of TikTok marketing tips.
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed by a team of professionals who specialize in digital marketing.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 90
Skill Level: Beginner