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The internet, and social networks in particular, are an integral part of today's society. So, it is not surprising that companies are also turning to media such as Facebook to reach more people and increase their sales.

However, although there are several tools available to help companies set up their Facebook advertising campaigns, the process is still complex. There are many parameters that need to be taken into account to effectively reach the platform's users.

One of these many parameters is the behaviour of users towards the campaigns of competing companies. It is on this part that the next course will focus.

This course will first help you better understand how Facebook ads work. You will then learn how to identify the key points to consider in your Facebook Competitive Intelligence to better optimize your campaigns.

Finally, to open the doors to this universe and help you implement your campaigns, we will provide you with a list of tools necessary to optimize Facebook advertising campaigns. These tools will help you to study and manage your campaigns.

In addition, whether you are a professional or a beginner looking to grow your business on Facebook, this course will teach you how to use competitive intelligence as a compass to guide your marketing decisions.

At the end of the course, you will be offered a quiz to test your knowledge. Successfully completing this quiz will confirm that you have retained and understood the information provided in this course and that you are ready to enter the world of digital marketing on Facebook.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Master your Facebook advertising campaigns to boost your sales!
Prérequis du cours: A good understanding of English;A basic understanding of marketing
Ce que tu apprendras: Define what competitive intelligence is;Defining and identifying a Facebook ad and its benefits;Understand the Facebook ad algorithm;Learn how to use competitive intelligence to optimize Facebook ads;Identify the best tools for optimizing your Facebook campaigns
Destinataires du cours:
  • Marketing professionals who want to expand their horizons.
  • Business owners who want to effectively promote their products or services through Facebook
  • Community managers who want to improve their monitoring strategies
  • Virtual assistants looking to improve their skills.
  • Marketing and communications students who want to learn more about best practices on Facebook.
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Facebook: its ads and its algorithm
  • Optimize your Facebook advertising campaigns
  • Facebook campaign optimisation tools
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed by experts in digital marketing and communications.
Description du cours: Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 70
Skill Level: Beginner