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At a time when employees are mobilizing in a relentless search for leadership in the profile of their manager, it is more than necessary to question oral communication skills. Often, the acquisition of these skills is never permanent, as several variables change according to the circumstances. These skills must be applied to managerial practices in order to to optimize their positive impact on the coordination of tasks and the organization to be set up to ensure collective efficiency.

It is, however, essential for a manager to master the mechanics of oral communication, because that is what this function is all about. These mechanisms are translated into the obstacles of public speaking, telephone or other communication channels. What is certain, however, is that as a manager, you must have the right to deal with any situation that arises and requires oral communication.

After careful consideration of the subject, there are many lines of thought that we can pursue to overcome these difficult situations. How can we relate to others? And what are the keys to good communication? These are the main questions that will frame the analysis in this training.

As you can see, knowing how to communicate is not easy and not everyone can identify themselves as a good speaker. Everything can be learned and memorized. To ensure quality oral communication, you need to master these mechanisms: overcoming intrinsic and extrinsic obstacles to your person as a manager.

So, learn with us, thanks to this course in the form of a roadmap, to master these mechanisms and to excel in any form of oral communication related to your position as a manager.

Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Learn the ins and outs of communication with this course.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills
Ce que tu apprendras: Understanding the relationship entry point for communication;Master the essentials of building a relationship;Understand the basic elements of communication;Implement the key elements of good communication
Destinataires du cours:
  • Students, employees, business leaders and members of any association who wish to become exceptional communicators in their professional and personal lives
  • New managers who need to be more assertive with their teams.
  • Leaders who want to communicate more clearly and confidently
  • Passive communicators who want to speak more honestly and directly
Programme: Understand how communication and relationships work
  • To communicate is to relate
  • Master the basics of communication
  • Building a relationship takes time and effort
  • Implementing tips for good communication
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of the confrontation of the know-how of several experts with the renowned theories in the field of management, project management and leadership.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Diffusion du cours: En ligne
Course Duration: 50
Skill Level: Beginner