Being a manager means having a multifunctional position. The manager's functions take different forms depending on the structure. They range from coordination to resource allocation, from planning actions to setting objectives, and are of different types.
The manager's tasks require the mastery of different types of skills, including technical, communication and relational, conceptual and strategic skills. In addition to managerial tasks such as decision making and resource allocation, managers are often called upon to carry out subordinate tasks, particularly those related to technology.
A manager's responsibilities vary according to the company's internal and external environment. These roles must also be consistent with the personal qualities and values they promote. In fact, harmonizing personal qualities with the tasks and responsibilities required by the position means optimizing professional qualities.
Talent goes hand in hand with qualities, and these go hand in hand with the certainty of one's duties. The ability to adapt to contexts reflects the quality of the manager. This ability can be prepared and acquired in a few steps. With this in mind, this training provides you with the essentials you need to know and master in your role as a manager.
As you're no doubt used to hearing, no effort is wasted if you put your mind to it. And it is this state of mind that you are called upon to promote in the exercise of your function and in the perspective of your tasks and responsibilities.
The manager's tasks require the mastery of different types of skills, including technical, communication and relational, conceptual and strategic skills. In addition to managerial tasks such as decision making and resource allocation, managers are often called upon to carry out subordinate tasks, particularly those related to technology.
A manager's responsibilities vary according to the company's internal and external environment. These roles must also be consistent with the personal qualities and values they promote. In fact, harmonizing personal qualities with the tasks and responsibilities required by the position means optimizing professional qualities.
Talent goes hand in hand with qualities, and these go hand in hand with the certainty of one's duties. The ability to adapt to contexts reflects the quality of the manager. This ability can be prepared and acquired in a few steps. With this in mind, this training provides you with the essentials you need to know and master in your role as a manager.
As you're no doubt used to hearing, no effort is wasted if you put your mind to it. And it is this state of mind that you are called upon to promote in the exercise of your function and in the perspective of your tasks and responsibilities.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Manage with the qualities that this position gives you!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language;
Basic management
Ce que tu apprendras: Take the essential route to becoming a manager;
Understand the details of the key stages of the journey;
Successfully take on the managerial role
Destinataires du cours:
- New or newly promoted managers who want to learn the basic skills to manage people, lead teams and improve work processes.
- Managers who want to improve their team management skills.
- Employees and students who aspire to become managers in the future.
How do you take on and perform your leadership role?
Becoming a manager is not something that can be improvised.
Learn how to implement a few steps
Insuring: Step 1
Insuring: Step 2
Insuring: Step 3
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 60
Skill Level: Beginner