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Are you interested in web careers? Do you want to be professionally independent? There is a solution to answer these questions. Working at the location of your choice will give you a lot of freedom professionally. The realization of this desire is very obvious with the possibility of finding jobs online, because nowadays you can find different jobs on the internet, especially in web professions which offer freelance opportunities.

You will discover by browsing the different freelance platforms the advantages that can be gained from them. Indeed, web professions can affect several categories, including marketing, web writing, e-commerce, etc. With this, you can therefore carry out the tasks of these professions while staying at home.

Besides working from home, the hours are flexible, as you can work around your own schedule. In this case, you won't have to get up early or finish late. You can work at any time, the most important thing is just to achieve production and you will be paid accordingly. You can also choose the people you want to work with. The same goes for the choice of clients who make you work offers. It is through this training programme that you will discover how to really look for jobs at home on professional social media.

We invite you to read all the modules of this programme, you will discover the best strategies, as well as the steps to becoming a freelancer in the web sector. You will find that you will have the possibility to do things of your choice, so do not hesitate to consult this non-exhaustive list of guidelines to improve your knowledge in web professions in order to become a Freelancer in the field in question.

  • Build a compelling LinkedIn profile so that you don’t miss any opportunities
  • Leverage the usefulness of the LinkedIn platform
  • Build a network of contacts and multiply your prospects
  • Build your LinkedIn reputation with quality posts
  • Assimilate the essential formulas for catching and responding to customers and prospects’ objections
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Be professionally independent in the digital world!
Prérequis du cours: Mastery of the English language;Passionate about digital marketing
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the major challenges to succeed as a Freelancer;Develop your marketing strategy to succeed in the world of Freelancing;Adopt the best prospecting techniques to land jobs with potential clients
Destinataires du cours:
  • Internet users aspiring to use professional social networks to become freelancers;
  • Professionals who want to become independent;New graduates who want to combine their skills with online careers;
  • Entrepreneurs who want to expand their contacts;
  • Business leaders who want to develop their reputation
Profil du formateur: The modules making up this training programme have been developed by several experts in customer prospecting and digital marketing.
Ce parcours comprend: Several courses to take and tests to pass;Certificate to be obtained;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 11h 36mn
Skill Level: Beginner
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