What are the challenges?
Embarking on a project is currently synonymous with method and follow-up.Indeed, the word project itself owes its weight to the various challenges with which it abounds.
But here again, project management makes sense when it has a clear visual framework from the point of view of its manager.
The actual implementation takes place in several phases. Each of these phases is governed by its own mechanism that must generate measurable results.
What is the profile of a project manager?
Of course, a project manager is a human being who acts as a team manager but above all a manager of the project in question.The project manager must meet a certain number of requirements in terms of quality but also in terms of skills and know-how.
What techniques can be used to manage a project?
At a time when technology is the master of strategy, project management operates according to its principles.In this sense, to manage a project or to support the management of a project, many steps remain to be taken.
This involves the executions of a number of tasks framed by a predefined strategy and well-honed tools.
Many companies comply with rules and policies that are part of the old practice. Others are more modern in terms of tools and methods essentially.
But we, through this training programme, are reinforcing the hybrid practice combining old practices and new technologies.
It is important to know that project management is not a job for people without a spirit of initiative.
Indeed, many giants have tried to tame management, the pet peeve of any hierarchical leader because everyone is dealing with humans.
What does this training programme offer?
This programme highlights a bunch of strategies which are well-selected and organized by experts in the field.The courses that make up this programme start from the scoping of the project to its evaluation. As a result, no step in project management is left out. The programme is full in terms of content.
Essentially, this programme provides an overview of the feasibility and implementation of a project and is then for any professional who sets themselves the ambition of taking up the challenge of managing a project whatever its nature. One of the most sought-after profiles at the moment.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Manage your project like a pro and learn the principles in this training programme!
Prérequis du cours: A good level of English;Background in project management
Ce que tu apprendras: Familiarize yourself with project management methods, including classic and agile;Scope your project;Implement state-of-the-art strategies to design your project;Follow a specific and well-thought-out path to steer your project to completion;Set up a system with very fine filters in order to evaluate and measure the impact of your project
Destinataires du cours:
- Anyone who wants to get started in the project business
- Any professional who wants to develop their know-how and get results in project management
Profil du formateur: The courses in this programme are the result of the reflection of several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Ce parcours comprend: Multiple courses to take and tests to pass;Certificate to be obtained;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 16h 10mn
Skill Level: Beginner