What is the history?
One of the most common mistakes made by many managers is the desire to do everything and therefore the refusal to delegate tasks.Of course, we are only ever well served by ourselves. Certainly, this saying is plausible when professionalism remains a key word in the practice of one's profession.
But given the workloads and responsibilities, knowing how to delegate is an outstanding quality of a manager.
Because of this, it is important to entrust tasks to professionals in whom you have clear confidence.
Clearly, finding qualified people who can perform certain tasks in the role of manager is not an easy task.
However, in order to define the tasks to be delegated, it is necessary to carry out a well-thought-out sorting.
With this in mind, embarking on the search for qualified people to perform specific tasks is a crucial step and an inherent need in the managerial function.
In order to meet this need, many professionals in several fields have built a career by becoming a Virtual Assistant.
Since then, the title of Assistant has become a title that has a full function.
What are the uses of VAs?
There are many profiles depending on the needs of the market. What unites them is the place they occupy for a particular independent entity or person.The profession of Virtual Assistant was born thanks to the needs of the needy in various fields.
Thus, virtual precisely because most managers who hire Virtual Assistants contact and work with them remotely for the sake of economy and many other issues.
Indeed, managers need the support of VAs in order to move forward faster in the realization of a project, for example.
By freeing themselves from time-consuming tasks, including administrative, paper and accounting tasks, they take care of decision-making and analysis in the work process.
Thanks to this way of working, they can focus all their attention on the more important tasks and responsibilities. For all these reasons, the VA profile is becoming one of the most sought-after on the job market today.
This is reinforced by the current health circumstances.
But you should know that there are also those who are just starting out in the field. Beginners can satisfy the needs on the slopes very well.
This is because being an VA is synonymous with continuous training and continuous learning in order to master many areas.
What training for VAs?
The training a VA needs to take depends greatly on the areas they want to break into. Hence this journey, one of many that shed light on the basics of the VA profession.
A career rich in content and support, this one fulfills all the conditions required to forge a versatile and reactive personality.
Indeed, the job of Virtual Assistant has a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. Good! Everything about this course meets any need emanating from this field.
At a distance, this word frames the purpose of this course, in fact because all the courses that are found there have this particularity.
As a result, self-taught people remain the targets of this journey, wanting to take on responsibilities related to Virtual Assistance.
Essentially, this course allows you to acquire many skills that coincide with a multitude of needs.
Becoming multi-tasking and multi-functional remain the pillars of the skills that each course, although always improving, sets as its goals.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: This profession is very fashionable and you may well have your place in this market.
Prérequis du cours: A perfect level of French, both written and spoken;Perfect handling of MS Office tools (Word, Excel,...);A sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge
Ce que tu apprendras: Acquire the key concepts on which the basic principles of the Virtual Assistant profession are based;Discover the boundaries of this profession;Challenge yourself by learning about a multitude of missions related to this profession;Dig deep into each of these missions;Adapt to the different qualities required to become a Virtual Assistant
Destinataires du cours:
- Any beginner who wants to learn the basics of the Virtual Assistant profession
- Any individual wishing to improve their skills in the profession of Virtual Assistant
Profil du formateur: The courses in this course are the work of several people experienced in the profession of virtual assistant.
Ce parcours comprend: Multiple courses to take and tests to pass;Certificate to be obtained;Documentation and Useful Links;FORUM for Sharing
Course Duration: 24h 27mn