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To enter the call centre field, it is preferable to have the maximum of skills in the world of customer relations and particularly in the call centre profession to ensure more added value in performing one’s tasks.

In the world of call centre agents, you’ll need to focus on managing inbound and outbound calls from potential customers. As such, these jobs are among the fields that can be exploited in large companies and even in the world of Freelancing. Through this training, you will discover the realm of call centre professions, requiring effective performance standards in fulfilling tasks.

Basically, to carry out and manage a specific project, you need to be methodical and have a certain sense of follow-up to succeed. There are several projects that you can lead as a project manager. In call centres, there are various main challenges in managing such a project. Carrying out such a project in the job of call centre reps requires you to go through several steps that you will know in all the modules that we are going to present to you.

In the management of a project, clients are sometimes led to very specific requests. Indeed, the mission of a project manager is to understand what the client needs and try to bring them closer to something that we know how to do well so that it is the solution that suits them for the least amount of money.

In this profession, there is a lot of collaboration and sharing. You will interact with a lot of people with whom you will work in the medium term. It’s a very rewarding job, you’ll learn things all the time. As such, the most important thing is to understand the stakes of the project, as well as the process; in addition to that, you’ll find it easier to put yourself in the shoes of the people you’ll be accompanying. You must therefore have the qualities of a team leader, i.e. have deductive skills, which is essential especially in ongoing and large-scale project. So, try to prioritize the essentials.

So, whether you are an expert in project management, a call centre professional, or a beginner with a leadership and project design mindset for a positive outcome, this training is for you, helping you carry out your project more easily. We also encourage you to join this industry by reading these training modules.

Below is the combination of courses that make up this programme:
  • Know the realm of the call centre
  • Manage a project: design
  • Manage a project: scoping
  • Manage a project: execution
  • Manage a project: evaluation
  • Discover AGILE project management methods
  • Facilitate sales with strategies
  • Create a contact form for a call
  • Receive calls from customers for a good company image
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Succeed with your team of call centre agents by ensuring the proper management of your project!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language;Basic knowledge of management
Ce que tu apprendras: Learn the steps to follow for designing project management strategies;Learn how to lead a project by analysing its scope and management;Acquire the skills necessary for the job of call centre agent
Destinataires du cours:
  • Beginners who want to experience their abilities in the field of call centres
  • New graduates who want to apply their project management skills in the field of call centres
  • Professionals who want to develop their skills to become project managers
  • Entrepreneurs aspiring to expand their business in the web professions
  • People who want to get started in digital entrepreneurship
Profil du formateur: The training modules that make up this course have been developed by several experts in project management and digital entrepreneurship, and seasoned instructional designers
Ce parcours comprend: Multiple courses to take and tests to pass;Certificate to be obtained;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Auteur parcours: The training modules that make up this course have been developed by several experts in project management and digital entrepreneurship, and seasoned instructional designers
Course Duration: 990
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