What differentiates a manager and a leader
Management and leadership go hand in hand with many expectations and requirements when these terms are used in a particular area of practice.
Transposed into function, managers and leaders find themselves confronted with a kind of rivalry. This is supported by the point of view of those managed and led.
The least that we can say is that it is the corporate culture itself that fosters the tendency to prefer the leader to the manager.
This trend can no doubt be explained by the different facets of each of these titles.
On the one hand, management is usually synonymous with authority, rules, and obligations. On the other hand, the leadership valued by the leader through the flexibility of the principles, the understanding in the working methods adopted, but above all the consideration of the human side, is greatly federated by many.
Moreover, many managers tend to reproach the “rigidity” of certain managerial practices.
What makes the functions of manager and leader complementary.
But, from a global point of view, is there really a need to take sides when it comes to maintaining an unwavering level of professionalism?
This question leads to aligning management and leadership on the same level. Putting them together on the track allows you to compete effectively in the same direction.
However, it must be stressed that management and leadership are among the main basic obligations that any managerial career requires.
As a result, the very basics of management and leadership must be mastered in order to structure their parallel practice.
What does this training programme offer?
The programme, in which challenges and strategies related to these two concepts are highlighted, puts forward solutions as well as areas of improvement in any case related to their implementation.
To do this, each course of this programme shares rich and easy-to-assimilate content, for each situation requiring you to wear the hat of manager or leader.
There are many techniques related to management, as well as the professions that require them.
As a result, many jobs remain opportune for profiles derive from this programme.
So, start at the bottom of the ladder and learn the basics in this programme, then work your way up.
Management and leadership go hand in hand with many expectations and requirements when these terms are used in a particular area of practice.
Transposed into function, managers and leaders find themselves confronted with a kind of rivalry. This is supported by the point of view of those managed and led.
The least that we can say is that it is the corporate culture itself that fosters the tendency to prefer the leader to the manager.
This trend can no doubt be explained by the different facets of each of these titles.
On the one hand, management is usually synonymous with authority, rules, and obligations. On the other hand, the leadership valued by the leader through the flexibility of the principles, the understanding in the working methods adopted, but above all the consideration of the human side, is greatly federated by many.
Moreover, many managers tend to reproach the “rigidity” of certain managerial practices.
What makes the functions of manager and leader complementary.
But, from a global point of view, is there really a need to take sides when it comes to maintaining an unwavering level of professionalism?
This question leads to aligning management and leadership on the same level. Putting them together on the track allows you to compete effectively in the same direction.
However, it must be stressed that management and leadership are among the main basic obligations that any managerial career requires.
As a result, the very basics of management and leadership must be mastered in order to structure their parallel practice.
What does this training programme offer?
The programme, in which challenges and strategies related to these two concepts are highlighted, puts forward solutions as well as areas of improvement in any case related to their implementation.
To do this, each course of this programme shares rich and easy-to-assimilate content, for each situation requiring you to wear the hat of manager or leader.
There are many techniques related to management, as well as the professions that require them.
As a result, many jobs remain opportune for profiles derive from this programme.
So, start at the bottom of the ladder and learn the basics in this programme, then work your way up.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Know how to combine leadership and management in your role as a leader and make a difference with this programme!
Prérequis du cours: A good level of English;Minimal knowledge of management and leadership
Ce que tu apprendras: Show your leadership in the spotlight;Acquire leadership techniques in terms of communication;Inspire your professional circle and give you a boost to motivate them;Demonstrate with the slightest gesture the nobility of your function as a manager;Put communication at the service of your team's well-being
Destinataires du cours:
- Any individual aspiring to review their managerial practices and leadership skills
- Any beginner in management and leadership
Profil du formateur: The courses in this programme are the result of the reflection of several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Ce parcours comprend: Multiple courses to take and tests to pass;Certificate to be obtained;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 20h 50mn