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Telesales, being a very broad field, brings together several parameters around the concept of remote selling.

In this concept in particular, the channel through which sales and sales strategiestake place remains the telephone.

Clearly, selling via the telephone is often carried out through different procedures: all characteristics of telesales.

Among these many steps is the establishment of a contact form.

Indeed, the contact form is identified as a reference point, bringing together on the same interface all the information retracing the life cycle of a contact.

This form makes it possible to know the actions carried out previously on a contact, and thus allows you to adjust the future actions that must be carried out on this same contact.

As a result, it should be noted that its existence is important in the development of a quality database.

In addition, and therefore of paramount importance, the contact form serves as a springboard between the stakeholders of a particular file during a given moment and on a given campaign.

Often, it takes time to develop and is usually done by the telesales agent.

In particular, it serves as its main working tool, since it is on it and in relation to it that the telesales agent’s actions will be effective.

Also, the contact form contains the essential information, decisive in the conversion or not of a contact into a customer.

All this to say that basically, the contact form even frames the work of a telesales agent because in addition to being a tool that triggers tasks, it also tracks their completion as well as their follow-up.

It is therefore by no means a tool whose support should be taken lightly. It would really take techniques to develop it.

In this sense, several points must be taken into consideration in order to keep it operational.

To do this, from the point of view of form, a contact form must be easy to read. Thus, its visual presentation can very well be customized according to the preferences of each user.

It is recommended, however, to structure it according to different sections and windows in order to make it easier to read.

In the same vein, it is preferable to insert internal links in order to easily redirect each reading or clicking action carried out on it.

Then, from the point of view of the content, it must be concise: short but to the point. The information that must be included must therefore be sorted according to criteria of importance.

With this in mind, this information must be presented in the form of clear actions in order to be immediately operational.

This last course on telesales will be dedicated to the contact form and written skills. It will provide more details on the creation of a relevant contact form, its advantages and on how to synthesize a good amount of information.

By the end of this course, you will have mastered the job of telesales agent, which will set you apart from other candidates or your team.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Invest in a quality contact form by opting for the best criteria.
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language, both spoken and written;Proficiency in Microsoft Office tools;Assimilation of the course on sales strategies
Ce que tu apprendras: Learn what a contact form is;Look at the feedback window—Knowing how to summarize;Summarize the most common problems
Destinataires du cours:
  • Fresh and experienced telesales freelancer
  • New graduates or beginners who want to enter the telesales profession
  • Virtual assistant looking to optimize their performance
  • Entrepreneur in the field of the web
  • Executives who want to expand their knowledge
  • What is a contact form?
  • The advantages
  • The feedback window—Knowing how to summarize
  • Summary of the most common problems
Profil du formateur: We share this course with you, which has been developed by a team specialized in telesales and telemarketing.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Version: 01-13/12/2023-1719
Course Duration: 70
Skill Level: Beginner
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