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Several jobs and functions, from a professional standpoint, require the use of Excel. This need is seen in different forms depending on the specificities of each profession.

In order to meet a need that many professionals feel, we have set up this training, which will, as a whole, show you the usefulness of mastering Excel and its features in your job or your future job.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Put Excel at the core of your professional tasks by learning the techniques in this training!
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in Englsih; Basic knowledge of typing
Ce que tu apprendras: Know the basic features of Excel.; Make good use of every facet of Excel’s features.; Handle spreadsheets and choose the print modes that work for you.; Apply the basic principles of Excel manipulation according to the needs of your business
Destinataires du cours:
  • Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of Excel.
  • Any professional in the field of management
  • Any professional working in the field administration
  • Any professional in the field of customer relations
Profil du formateur: This training is the work of experts in MS Office.
Description du cours: Illustrations ; Documentation and useful links ; FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 60
Skill Level: Beginner
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