What value does a project manager bring to a company? Considering that all businesses want to grow and make a profit, a project manager may seem like a superfluous job. Whether in culture, construction, science, IT, factory or medicine, projects have always existed, of all sizes and in all fields. And to effectively manage these projects, to ensure that they go according to plan and achieve success, the establishment of effective project management is essential and cannot be done without a project manager who is agile in their field. Here in this course, we are going to find out what agile and classic project management is, to define exactly the concept of project management.
Whatever the size, sector, or mission of a company, project management makes it possible to move from an idea to a concrete result with a set of tools, methods, and processes. We will see at the end of this course this method. Setting up project management helps businesses be more efficient. It helps coordinate and maximize resources. This ensures that the expected objectives are met. In addition, the design obviously helps guide the project team in carrying out its tasks, since it requires respecting the deadlines imposed and the allocated budget. Finally, it saves money and increases customer satisfaction. So, we’re going to briefly introduce you to why you should go deeper into this concept of project management.
Thus, several elements must be brought together to be able to manage a project. It is important to know the inner workings of this profession, starting with an overview of the concept and an understanding of its components, to start and advance in this field.
This course will provide you with an enriched learning experience to help you in this process.
Whatever the size, sector, or mission of a company, project management makes it possible to move from an idea to a concrete result with a set of tools, methods, and processes. We will see at the end of this course this method. Setting up project management helps businesses be more efficient. It helps coordinate and maximize resources. This ensures that the expected objectives are met. In addition, the design obviously helps guide the project team in carrying out its tasks, since it requires respecting the deadlines imposed and the allocated budget. Finally, it saves money and increases customer satisfaction. So, we’re going to briefly introduce you to why you should go deeper into this concept of project management.
Thus, several elements must be brought together to be able to manage a project. It is important to know the inner workings of this profession, starting with an overview of the concept and an understanding of its components, to start and advance in this field.
This course will provide you with an enriched learning experience to help you in this process.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Get a lot of the benefits of project management by starting with understanding the concept with this course!
Prérequis du cours: Perfect command of the English language;
Basic knowledge of Business Management;
Computer skills;
A good web literacy
Ce que tu apprendras: Define project management;
Know the steps and methods to manage a project;
Understand the importance of delving deeper into the different elements that make up project management
Destinataires du cours:
- Anyone who wants to learn about project management.
- Anyone considering a career change in the field of project management.
- How to define the term ‘Project Management’?
- How to manage a project?
- Why go deeper into the concept?
Profil du formateur: This course has been developed by a team of experienced trainers in Management and Leadership.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 40
Skill Level: Beginner