Talking to customers, welcoming them and redirecting them when necessary are tasks that managers and team leaders like you are usually faced with. However, it is clear that some people find it easier to communicate orally than others. But nothing is decided yet, you can very well engage in different actions and why not training to get back on track. In fact, it is never easy to hold a verbal communication and ensure that the message is conveyed well. There are several blocking factors that cause this form of paralysis, whatever the channel.
From this point of view, these factors may well be encouraged by the circumstances. This often going to be a difficult case to deal with. In this case, the ability to share with others is worked on and strengthened as you indulge in it.
This task requires the practice of a host of rigorous techniques, including the basics and the implementation of effective strategies. This is to optimize the impact of any oral communication outfit required to fulfil the role of manager.
The implementation of oral communication techniques is not just about talking and smiling, it goes far beyond a simple speech. Many may be able to facilitate a meeting but not be able to conduct a proper interview. For example, many may pass an oral exam but be paralyzed by fear during a job interview.
Many cases can arise in countless situations, but you are in control of your techniques. So, choose the right ones and above all the ones that work for you. To do this, you need to activate a number of parameters to ensure that the message is conveyed in the best possible way. These parameters have their value and are only effective when the conditions for their availability are met.
In this course, you will learn two techniques that will be useful on a daily basis to ensure that your messages are transmitted correctly: the 3 V rule and the 4 x 20 rule.
It is even more advantageous to coordinate the application of these two techniques for effective results. To regularize your assimilation of the content of this training, make sure you understand each page before moving on to the next.
From this point of view, these factors may well be encouraged by the circumstances. This often going to be a difficult case to deal with. In this case, the ability to share with others is worked on and strengthened as you indulge in it.
This task requires the practice of a host of rigorous techniques, including the basics and the implementation of effective strategies. This is to optimize the impact of any oral communication outfit required to fulfil the role of manager.
The implementation of oral communication techniques is not just about talking and smiling, it goes far beyond a simple speech. Many may be able to facilitate a meeting but not be able to conduct a proper interview. For example, many may pass an oral exam but be paralyzed by fear during a job interview.
Many cases can arise in countless situations, but you are in control of your techniques. So, choose the right ones and above all the ones that work for you. To do this, you need to activate a number of parameters to ensure that the message is conveyed in the best possible way. These parameters have their value and are only effective when the conditions for their availability are met.
In this course, you will learn two techniques that will be useful on a daily basis to ensure that your messages are transmitted correctly: the 3 V rule and the 4 x 20 rule.
It is even more advantageous to coordinate the application of these two techniques for effective results. To regularize your assimilation of the content of this training, make sure you understand each page before moving on to the next.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: In this course you will learn how to use the right speech acts in every communication situation.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management Basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the basic rules of communication;Putting the 3 V's at the service of communication;Understand and apply the 3V rule;Master the technique of using the 4*20 rule
Destinataires du cours:
- Executives, managers and team leaders who want to develop their communication skills
- Employees, managers and entrepreneurs looking for techniques to improve their relationships and leadership through better communication
- Students and graduates who want to improve their oral communication skills
Programme: Communicating with the 3Vs in mind
- The 3Vs rule
- The verbal
- The vocal
- The visual
- Congruence - memory
- The 4 x 20 Rule
- The 4 x 20 rule
- The first 20 seconds
- The first 20 moves
- The first 20 words
- The 20 centimetres of the face
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of the confrontation of the know-how of several experts with the renowned theories in the field of management, project management and leadership.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Diffusion du cours: En ligne
Course Duration: 120
Skill Level: Beginner