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Who among us hasn’t had to make a phone call in our lives? Whether it is to contact a relative, an employee, our superior, a customer, a supplier, to request information, make a complaint, place an order or for any other reason. Calls have multiplied with the health crisis, further promoting online sales and customer support.

What a pleasure to have been listened to, to have had an answer to our problems, not to have to travel to get in touch with a company. Otherwise, you’ll have a bad memory. Bad news travels fast, so much so that a company’s reputation and image can suffer. This is the reason why more and more companies are paying attention to developing their inbound call service. Far from what some people still think, the job of inbound call agent is a job that requires many more qualities and skills than it seems. Accessible to all and this is one of the reasons why this position is very popular. It is an evolving, exciting and rewarding job, even on a personal level. But of course, to be in the sector, it is recommended to train in advance to be quickly operational and especially to convince your potential employer. That’s what motivated us most to develop this course. For those who are already in the business, it’s an opportunity to refresh yourself, improve your skills and, perhaps, get promoted. On the other hand, if you’re an entrepreneur, investing in call centers is a good deal.

So, what do you need to start this course? A good understanding of English and a good dose of motivation are enough to complete this course. And even if you don’t plan to work in the industry, everything you learn throughout this course will still be useful to you. It’s a good investment for you. This training includes carefully written optimized materials, illustrations, useful resources, a quiz, and a discussion forum. In principle, you should complete this course in two hours. However, you won’t have to put pressure on yourself. Learn according to your convenience, wherever and whenever you want, whether it’s from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. See you soon!
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Become an ace of inbound calls to maintain your company’s brand image
Prérequis du cours: A good understanding of the English language
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the importance of inbound calls and phone reception;Acquire the best advice to improve how you communicate;Adopt the necessary qualities and skills in receiving calls
Destinataires du cours:
  • Call center employees who want to get a good foundation
  • Jobseekers aspiring to join call centers
  • Employees looking for a career change
  • Students in any specializations who want to understand how inbound calls work and apply them later
  • Entrepreneurs looking to invest in call centers
  • Staff who want to improve their company’s brand image
  • Business leaders who want to build the capacity of their employees
  • Freelancers looking for a career in inbound calls
Programme: ‘Inbound Calls’
  • Definition
  • The role of inbound service
  • The importance of telephone reception
  • An expert’s point of view
Telephone reception, first contact
  • Make the way you communicate perfect
  • Create a pleasant atmosphere
  • Telephone usage
Qualities and skills needed for call reception
  • Some basic rules for answering a phone call
  • Key points for greeting customers on the phone
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of a collaboration of a training team of experts in e-marketing and sales strategies.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;FORUM for sharing
Course Duration: 110
Skill Level: Beginner
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