A long process with a beginning and an end: project management follows a well-marked path, like a life cycle. This cycle now leads to the decisive phase of the project, which is the actual implementation.
At first sight, project management remains a major task led by the project manager. It consists mainly of carrying out the pre-established plan of action in the preceding phases.
In fact, managing a project means ensuring that the actions taken by each of the entities involved translate the objectives set into real results. To this end, it is therefore necessary to take into account the working method chosen and to anticipate the disruptive factors that could block the progress of the work.
In the same way, it is necessary to ensure the well-being of the employees. It is therefore necessary to encourage them in every step they take and, above all, to motivate them to put their assets and skills into perspective by visualizing the objectives to be achieved. On the other hand, well-designed actions to motivate employees will only increase their objectivity and thus their performance.
In addition, these actions can be translated into the implementation of techniques for facilitating meetings or simple briefings.
Already, in the management process, the manager monitors the progress of projects by ensuring that the terms of the forecasts made are synchronized with the budgetary means and resources invested. Clearly, the manager's role requires him to mediate between all the project's stakeholders. The management of a project therefore requires a good attitude to be adopted and a determination on the actions to be taken.
In short, to support any manager in the roles and functions to be assumed in project management, this course has been designed to meet the knowledge needs of a wide audience.
If you are an aspiring manager, want to become a project manager one day, or if you already are a project manager, this course will, among other things, enable you to explore the scope of project management. Its content will provide you with the essential tools to better understand the management of your project.
At first sight, project management remains a major task led by the project manager. It consists mainly of carrying out the pre-established plan of action in the preceding phases.
In fact, managing a project means ensuring that the actions taken by each of the entities involved translate the objectives set into real results. To this end, it is therefore necessary to take into account the working method chosen and to anticipate the disruptive factors that could block the progress of the work.
In the same way, it is necessary to ensure the well-being of the employees. It is therefore necessary to encourage them in every step they take and, above all, to motivate them to put their assets and skills into perspective by visualizing the objectives to be achieved. On the other hand, well-designed actions to motivate employees will only increase their objectivity and thus their performance.
In addition, these actions can be translated into the implementation of techniques for facilitating meetings or simple briefings.
Already, in the management process, the manager monitors the progress of projects by ensuring that the terms of the forecasts made are synchronized with the budgetary means and resources invested. Clearly, the manager's role requires him to mediate between all the project's stakeholders. The management of a project therefore requires a good attitude to be adopted and a determination on the actions to be taken.
In short, to support any manager in the roles and functions to be assumed in project management, this course has been designed to meet the knowledge needs of a wide audience.
If you are an aspiring manager, want to become a project manager one day, or if you already are a project manager, this course will, among other things, enable you to explore the scope of project management. Its content will provide you with the essential tools to better understand the management of your project.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Manage your project efficiently and gain optimization thanks to meticulous techniques.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Management basics;Minimum project management experience
Ce que tu apprendras: Discover Project Management;Explore Project Management Areas;Master the parameters of a dashboard;Get to know the GANTT chart
Destinataires du cours:
- Project management beginners or professionals
- Managers and executives who want to master the different phases of a project
- Students who want to learn the basics of project management as part of their studies and future ambitions
- Employees who will sooner or later have to manage or participate in a project
- Project Management Introduction
- What is project management?
- An expert's perspective
- The pilot's fields of action
- Implementing Corrective and Preventive Actions
- Manage change requests
- Maintaining up-to-date project documentation
- Project Management Tools
- The Dashboard
- GANTT chart
- PERT diagrams
- Guided exercise on designing a dashboard
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of many years of reflection by several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 90
Skill Level: Beginner