Telephone prospecting is a sales method that involves contacting prospects directly by phone to convert them into customers. This method emerged in the 1970s and quickly gained momentum with advances in technology that made phone calls more affordable and easier to make. Since then, cold calling has evolved into a very common, if often unloved, sales technique among consumers.
Prospecting is an essential activity for all businesses, regardless of their size or industry. It helps to find new customers and maintain steady growth of the business. Indeed, without new customers, a company is likely to stagnate or even decline.
That’s why sales reps play a crucial role in the prospecting process. They are responsible for contacting prospects and convincing them to buy the company’s products or services. To succeed in their mission, they must be both farmers and hunters.
Farmers are salespeople who have long-lasting relationships with their existing customers. They are responsible for customer loyalty and satisfaction and seek to increase sales to customers.
Hunters, on the other hand, are salespeople who are responsible for finding new customers. They are often on the front line for prospecting, which means dealing with rejections and blockages.
It is important for salespeople to be both farmers and hunters in order to optimize their sales. However, it can be difficult for some sales reps to transition from one role to another. That’s why cold calling training includes tips on how to ideally be both.
The third part of this training on telephone prospecting focuses on the effectiveness of this prospecting method compared to others. It is true that cold calling is not the only prospecting method available to companies. Other methods, such as postal mailing, ads, fax or door-to-door canvassing can also be effective in some situations.
To conclude this first training on telephone prospecting, you are invited to take a quiz to validate your knowledge. This training is available at any time from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Prospecting is an essential activity for all businesses, regardless of their size or industry. It helps to find new customers and maintain steady growth of the business. Indeed, without new customers, a company is likely to stagnate or even decline.
That’s why sales reps play a crucial role in the prospecting process. They are responsible for contacting prospects and convincing them to buy the company’s products or services. To succeed in their mission, they must be both farmers and hunters.
Farmers are salespeople who have long-lasting relationships with their existing customers. They are responsible for customer loyalty and satisfaction and seek to increase sales to customers.
Hunters, on the other hand, are salespeople who are responsible for finding new customers. They are often on the front line for prospecting, which means dealing with rejections and blockages.
It is important for salespeople to be both farmers and hunters in order to optimize their sales. However, it can be difficult for some sales reps to transition from one role to another. That’s why cold calling training includes tips on how to ideally be both.
The third part of this training on telephone prospecting focuses on the effectiveness of this prospecting method compared to others. It is true that cold calling is not the only prospecting method available to companies. Other methods, such as postal mailing, ads, fax or door-to-door canvassing can also be effective in some situations.
To conclude this first training on telephone prospecting, you are invited to take a quiz to validate your knowledge. This training is available at any time from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Start your adventure in the world of cold calling now.
Prérequis du cours: Good understanding of the English language;Basic knowledge of sales and communication;Proficiency in the use of office tools
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the challenges of telephone prospecting to find new customers.;Know both categories of salespeople and how to ideally be both at the same time.;Learn to overcome your obstacles for effective telephone prospecting.;Understand the effectiveness of cold calling compared to other prospecting methods.
Destinataires du cours:
- Sales reps or sales managers who want to improve their prospecting skills and find new customers for their business.
- Neophyte call centre agents aiming to improve their skills for better professional stability.
- Any entrepreneur or business owner who wants to use the knowledge acquired in this course to boost the sales of their business.
- Jobseekers looking for solid skills to be able to land the job of their dreams.
- Students who want to understand the importance of cold calling in the business world and gain practical skills for their future careers.
- Find new customers
- Discover the two categories of sales representatives
- Understand the effectiveness of telephone prospecting
Profil du formateur: This course is the work of several experts in the field of web moderation.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos; Documentation and useful links; FORUM for sharing
Version: 01-24/01/2024-1327
Course Duration: 70
Skill Level: Beginner