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A person is stressed at work when he feel an imbalance between his employer's expectations and the resources he has to meet them

Pressure at work, unmet goals and harassment cause acute stress for employees.

We often neglect it, even though it has harmful consequences for both the individual and the organization.

The mental health of employees has deteriorated significantly in recent years. The Covid-19 health crisis has only amplified the stress, forcing both sides to adapt to the circumstances.

For the employee, stress has serious long-term effects on physical and mental health. In many countries, employees who are constantly stressed end up committing suicide.

Studies have shown that chronic stress reduces our life expectancy. According to data from the September 2021 LifeWorks Mental Health Index, the top 3 most stressful occupations in 2021 will be in arts, entertainment and recreation, health care and support, and wholesale trade.

For the business, it results in turnover, lost working days, demotivation, lower productivity, etc.

However, stress isn't always bad. There is positive stress and it is possible to transform negative stress. This will be the subject of a whole section.

We will then take a serious look at the causes of stress at work, its consequences and the role of employers. For example, these latter are not grateful enough and do not trust their employees. They make the mistake of not assessing the workload.

Or they think that a pay rise is enough to motivate them, when all they're looking for is a simple 'hello' in the morning or 'thank you'.

In fact, managing stress at work is both a personal and a corporate approach.

It should be noted that stress is not an inherent part of professional activities. No, that is not automatically the case.

It is a concern like any other. The difference is that it has a dangerous tendency to amplify the negative effects of other worries that arise at the same time.

Understanding it makes it possible to identify its mechanism in order to better prevent it. And, as it happens, it is developing very rapidly in the professional world.

Everyone's problem remains unresolved because many people stop at the identification stage. Worse still, some people don't notice it until late in the development phase of stress.

For this reason, it is more than important to understand how it works, including its development in professional life.

We then summarize the good and bad practices related to stress at work. All this is included in this online training.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Take care of your environment to enjoy its benefits.
Prérequis du cours: Knowledge of the English language;Have successfully completed one of the following courses Feeling Good in Your Head and/or Being Good Without Your Body.
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand the causes and consequences of stress at work;Know the role of employers in reducing stress in the workplace;Know the good and bad practices related to stress at work;Solve stress problems at work
Destinataires du cours:
  • Students and employees who want to manage their stress levels
  • Students, employees and managers interested in human behaviour
  • Employers and managers who want to improve the productivity of their team
  • Employees who feel disorganized, overwhelmed or burnt out
  • Entrepreneurs, managers and leaders who want to learn how to manage their own work while being effective leaders
  • Employees and managers struggling to find a good work-life balance
  • Stress at work
  • Definition of stress at work
  • How to move from negative to positive stress
  • Causes of stress at work
  • Health and safety implications of stress
  • The employer's role in reducing stress at work
  • What to do
  • What to avoid
  • What you can do to reduce stress
Profil du formateur: This course has been designed by experienced managers with advanced skills in occupational psychology.
Description du cours: Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Version: 01-14/12/2023-1222
Course Duration: 170
Skill Level: Beginner
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