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We all wondered about our future careers, especially when we were children at school. We remember at least one teacher asking us what we could do when we grew up. Most of the children gave almost the same classic answers, i.e. pilot, doctor, headmaster... etc. At the time, we thought these were just nice jobs that paid a lot of money.

However, right now, you may be working in a job that has nothing to do with your education or what you've dreamed of doing since childhood, or you have no idea what your career will look like in the future. What's more, most of us don't choose our dream career right out of school, or settle into a field at university to stay there for the rest of our lives.

Similarly, when you're ready to make a career change, do you know which job or career path is best for you? It's so easy to get stuck in a job or career that doesn't really satisfy you and miss out on your dream job without even realizing it. To find one and not get stuck in a career dead end, this course will guide you to follow the right strategies based on the opportunities that may arise. You will also know the attitudes and behaviours you need to have to achieve your goal. This will enable you to find and know the career that is right for you.

This module will therefore give you some tips on how best to orientate yourself towards your specific goal in the world of work. It will also help you to find a career you enjoy and to overcome the obstacles of indecision and not knowing what you want.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Promise yourself a better job after passing this course!
Prérequis du cours: Knowledge of the French language
Ce que tu apprendras: Identify the ideal job by valuing passion;Adopt the best attitude to achieve your goal;Find your dream job using the Ikigai method
Destinataires du cours:
  • Students and graduates looking for a job.
  • Professionals looking for a career change
  • Business owners or entrepreneurs looking to grow their business.
  • Find your ideal job by highlighting your passion
    • Finding a job you are passionate about
    • How to find an employer that values your passion?
    • Develop your action plan to get closer to your passion job
  • Have the best attitude to achieve your goal
    • Be confident in your skills and abilities
    • Get closer to the industry in which your dream job is located
    • Delve into your personality by embodying the best version of yourself
  • Find your dream job with the Ikigai Method
    • About Ikigai
    • How to find your Ikigai
    • Determining Ikigai
    • Applying Ikigai in the workplace
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Skill Level: Beginner
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