The arrival of cheese in the daily life of humans is quite recent, as it was only with the domestication of mammals. First goats and sheep, then cattle.
The oldest traces of cheese-making discovered to date were found in the Kuyavia region of Poland.
They date back over 7,000 years. Archaeologists also believe that cheese, at that time, was simply a way of preserving milk.
Residues of 3,200-year-old sheep and goat cheese were found in a jar in Egypt.
Regardless of when it was made, cheese is made from curdled milk, dairy products or dairy ingredients. It can be made from cow's milk, sheep's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk, reindeer's milk... There are thousands and thousands of cheeses in the world.
By the time you read this, you probably won't know any more than the fingers on your hand. The most common ones you will find in your local cheese shop are Gruyère, Saint-Paulin, Raclette, Tomme and Mozzarella. There are at least 1200 different types of cheese produced in France alone.
It should be noted, however, that the value of cheese lies in its quality and the luxury that its name gives it. Many countries benefit from the fame and particularities of a cheese.
Cheese is usually served as an aperitif with a good wine or as a dessert after a meal. In the meantime, a few nibbles here and there wouldn't be out of place.
But if you want to get to grips with the subject and enjoy the most prestigious varieties, you need to learn the language of cheese. What better way to do this than through a well-structured course?
It would be even more informative to follow it online.
In this course, you will first learn all there is to know about cheese making and its varieties. Then we will give you some key figures on the import and export of cheese around the world. Together we will discover the different types of cheese in France, Germany and Italy.
After this overview of cheeses, we will give you a number of wine ideas to go with each type of cheese. It is not easy to find the ideal wine to go with your cheese. Which wine to drink with soft cheeses? For cooked cheeses? For uncooked pressed cheeses? Blue-veined cheeses? For fresh cheeses? For goat's cheese? There are so many cheeses!
After that, everyone has their own preferences. In any case, who doesn't love cheese? To dice, to slice, to gratin, to spread on a pizza... After this lesson, you'll love cheese even more and you'll want to go out and buy some.
The oldest traces of cheese-making discovered to date were found in the Kuyavia region of Poland.
They date back over 7,000 years. Archaeologists also believe that cheese, at that time, was simply a way of preserving milk.
Residues of 3,200-year-old sheep and goat cheese were found in a jar in Egypt.
Regardless of when it was made, cheese is made from curdled milk, dairy products or dairy ingredients. It can be made from cow's milk, sheep's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk, reindeer's milk... There are thousands and thousands of cheeses in the world.
By the time you read this, you probably won't know any more than the fingers on your hand. The most common ones you will find in your local cheese shop are Gruyère, Saint-Paulin, Raclette, Tomme and Mozzarella. There are at least 1200 different types of cheese produced in France alone.
It should be noted, however, that the value of cheese lies in its quality and the luxury that its name gives it. Many countries benefit from the fame and particularities of a cheese.
Cheese is usually served as an aperitif with a good wine or as a dessert after a meal. In the meantime, a few nibbles here and there wouldn't be out of place.
But if you want to get to grips with the subject and enjoy the most prestigious varieties, you need to learn the language of cheese. What better way to do this than through a well-structured course?
It would be even more informative to follow it online.
In this course, you will first learn all there is to know about cheese making and its varieties. Then we will give you some key figures on the import and export of cheese around the world. Together we will discover the different types of cheese in France, Germany and Italy.
After this overview of cheeses, we will give you a number of wine ideas to go with each type of cheese. It is not easy to find the ideal wine to go with your cheese. Which wine to drink with soft cheeses? For cooked cheeses? For uncooked pressed cheeses? Blue-veined cheeses? For fresh cheeses? For goat's cheese? There are so many cheeses!
After that, everyone has their own preferences. In any case, who doesn't love cheese? To dice, to slice, to gratin, to spread on a pizza... After this lesson, you'll love cheese even more and you'll want to go out and buy some.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Invest in your strengths as a cheese connoisseur to impress your customers.
Prérequis du cours: Good understanding of English.
Ce que tu apprendras: Explore the variety of cheeses in the world;Understand the principle of cheese production;Know the cheese market environment
Destinataires du cours:
- Gastronomy lovers, especially cheese lovers, who want to be unbeatable in their field.
- Entrepreneurs who want to invest in the cheese factory
- Students who want to invest in the cheese factory in the future
- All you need to know about cheese
- Some key figures
- French cheeses
- German cheeses
- Italian cheeses
- What to drink with cheese?
Profil du formateur: A team of cheese specialists has created this course for you.
Description du cours: Illustrations and tutorial videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Version: 01-14/12/2023-1022
Course Duration: 140
Skill Level: Beginner