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It is true that some people are born with a greater predisposition to leadership, but leadership is not a privilege reserved for an elite. A sense of leadership is a highly sought-after professional quality that guarantees total or partial success in all management practices.

In most cases, the meaning of leadership is inspired by managerial obligations. This is not to say that when you’re a manager, you’re automatically a leader. This is a common mistake made by management and leadership thinkers.

In fact, leadership is an equally broad principle that emphasizes the importance of any professional leadership quality. It involves a wide range of responsibilities and commitments. It is in the investment of these responsibilities and commitments, and the quality of their impact, that leadership derives its value.

Coaching and career coaching professionals are asking what makes a good leader. For a long time, this question had no precise answers, or at least more or less ambiguous answers. This ambiguity can be explained by the very multidimensional nature of the concept of leadership known to the general public.

To be a leader is not necessarily to be a manager. Being a leader is a quality that must be reflected in the attitudes adopted, in the decisions taken, in the search for solutions to problems, in the actions taken... And this in every type of situation in professional life.

It should therefore be noted that leadership is identified as a coherent set of qualities, common sense and humanity. These qualities reinforce the idea that the leader must be a good manager, and the reverse is not necessarily true.

We are sometimes tempted to think that leadership is a concept that cannot be worked on, if it is not a gift.

This training will prove the opposite and will try to highlight the points that need to be emphasized in order to cultivate the spirit of leadership in each of us.

The concept of leadership as a whole will be the subject of your learning throughout this course by taking stock of the concept. This is to enable you to understand it better, but above all to give you advice on how to develop a true sense of leadership.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: You're a leader too. Show it to your team.
Prérequis du cours: Proficiency in the English language;Leadership Basics
Ce que tu apprendras: Identifying a manager;Distinguishing a leader from a manager based on roles;Understand different visions of leadership;Apply 4 management styles
Destinataires du cours:
  • Newly promoted managers
  • Employees who will sooner or later become managers
  • Students who aspire to be great leaders
  • Managers who have not received extensive leadership training
  • Manager or leader
  • The characteristics of a manager
  • The characteristics of a leader
  • Manager vs. leader
  • Choose your leadership style
  • Born a leader or made a leader?
  • Personal vision
  • Interpersonal vision
  • Situational Vision
  • Transformational vision
  • The 04 Leadership Styles
  • The leader in you - the life of a woman
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of the reflection of several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership. They combine their know-how with reference theories.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Course Duration: 140
Skill Level: Beginner
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