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At a time when employees are looking for leaders, mastering the art of eloquence is essential for any good manager. Therefore, focusing on quality communication techniques based on humanitarian principles will only increase your visibility.

Indeed, the ability to dominate an audience, if only through one's presence, is not given to everyone. It is an art, as we have said, but it is also a skill that can be acquired with determination.

This skill is the ability to master the art of communication so that the message is conveyed in an original way and in a way that is your own as a leader. Respect is cultivated in your employees when you establish your identity through your gestures and ac tions.

How can you share the company's vision and strategy if you cannot communicate with your people?

And how can we convey meaning if communication is limited to a list of instructions? Miscommunication or improvised communication can have serious consequences.

As you can see, knowing how to communicate is not easy and not everyone can improvise as a good speaker. Well-developed strategies and techniques must be at your disposal in order to fulfil your tasks as a manager. These strategies are also not to be taken at literally; they need to be used sparingly to ensure that the desired effects are achieved.

This training will help you and give you many keys to communicate well in management. In this sense, enjoy each page of the content and do not hesitate to put it into practice.
Langue du cours: EN
Phrase d'accroche: Become a manager who prioritizes constructive communication with this training.
Prérequis du cours: English language skills;Basic concepts of management and leadership
Ce que tu apprendras: Understand how communication works and relationships;Combine the art of communication with the 3V rule;Clarify relevant communication objectives;Master the techniques of formulating a brief, an incentive message and providing feedback
Destinataires du cours:
  • Students, employees and managers who want to understand how communication and relationships work
  • Students, employees and managers who feel they are not good listeners
  • Managers who want to improve communication within their team
Programme: Understand how communication and relationships work
  • To communicate is to relate
  • To understand the basic elements of communication
  • Building a relationship takes time and effort
  • Master the key elements of good communication
Communicate according to the 3V rules
  • The verbal
  • The visual
  • Vocal
  • Congruence - memory
  • Strategies for clarifying communication objectives
  • The content of the manager's communication
  • Crafting messages that resonate
  • Distinguishing between facts, opinions and feelings
Formulating an order, an incentive message, giving feedback
  • Giving an order or instruction
  • Giving feedback
Knowing how to listen, an essential tool for the manager
  • How to listen
  • The physical posture of listening
  • Passive listening
  • Active listening
  • Questioning
  • Reframing
Profil du formateur: This course is the result of the reflections of several experts in the field of management, project management and leadership, inspired by several reference books and theories in the field.
Description du cours: Illustrations and explanatory videos;Documentation and useful links;Exchange FORUM
Diffusion du cours: En ligne
Course Duration: 230
Skill Level: Beginner
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